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Aesthetic Smiles Dental Spa

  • 155 Fosse Road North
  • Leicester
  • LE3 5EZ
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At Aesthetic Smiles we make sure patients with missing teeth are provided with replacement teeth for healthy dental function. We supply a treatment known as ‘Teeth in a Day’ which uses cutting-edge technology to create natural-looking teeth replacements.

Patients usually have to wait approximately six weeks for custom-made dental implants to fuse with the bone structure. They then have to wait until the area has healed properly before permanent dental implants can be inserted. We use advanced technology to speed this process up so that patients have their new teeth within the same day.

Immediate Implants

Immediate dental implants provide patients who have missing teeth with incredibly quick, but no less effective, treatment. An artificial tooth restoration is fixed to the dental implant so that patients will have natural-looking and functioning teeth on the same day.

Benefits and Risks of Teeth in a Day

Patients enjoy the benefits of having an immediate set of teeth and the improvement in function and aesthetics this gives them. There is no waiting involved and no temporary dental implant put in place, reducing the need for multiple dental appointments. Dental implants are maintained just like normal teeth.

As with all surgical procedures there are risks associated with Teeth in a Day. However, our clinicians are trained to minimise such risks and to maximise the successful completion of treatment for optimum results.

Failure to replace missing teeth may cause unnecessary stress on the jaw structure and cause further trauma that promotes infection and tooth loss. Gaps in the mouth can lead to jawbone shrinkage coupled with premature ageing effects such as sagging. Teeth in a Day prevent bone shrinkage for the preservation of facial volume and a naturally beautiful face.

Denture Stabilisation

Implant-retained dentures are dentures that are anchored by dental implants. Dental implants are designed to replace the root section of a missing tooth and will be inserted into pre-drilled sockets in the jawbone. Once the implants have integrated successfully with the bone tissue they can support crowns, dental bridges and dentures.

Implant-retained dentures are becoming increasingly popular because they provide a more stable, long-term solution for denture wearers.

Perhaps the most significant advantage of implant-retained dentures is the increased anchorage and support for the dentures.

Many still assume that dentures are bulky, false teeth which come loose and fall out continuously. However, this is no longer the case as modern dentures provide improved functionality and are much more aesthetically pleasing.

Despite the advances in denture design and manufacture, it is still possible for dentures to become loose. This issue can create anxiety in patients, especially when eating or in social situations. Implant-retained dentures ensure that dentures will never come loose again, offering patients complete peace of mind.

The implants are also designed to improve the functionality of the dentures. The increased support from the implants enables better chewing, biting and grinding, which means you can eat your favourite foods once more.

Implant-retained dentures are also comfortable, easy to maintain and longer-lasting than conventional dentures.

At Aesthetic Smiles, we provide implant-retained dentures for patients who are looking to achieve optimum function and excellent aesthetics. Implant-retained dentures provide patients with stable teeth that look natural and function correctly.


TEETH IN A DAY LEICESTER – Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly are Teeth in a Day, and how do they differ from traditional dental implants?

Understanding Teeth in a Day

Teeth in a Day is an innovative dental implant procedure that allows patients to receive a full set of functional, natural-looking teeth in just one day.

Immediate loading technique

This approach involves placing dental implants and attaching a temporary prosthesis on the same day, providing patients with an instant smile transformation.

Full-arch restoration

Teeth in a Day typically addresses entire arches of missing teeth, offering a comprehensive solution for those with extensive tooth loss or failing dentition.

Traditional Dental Implants vs. Teeth in a Day

While both options involve dental implants, there are significant differences in the treatment process and timeline.

Treatment duration

Traditional implants often require a healing period of several months between implant placement and the attachment of the final prosthesis. Teeth in a Day, as the name suggests, provides a functional set of teeth on the day of implant surgery.

Number of surgical procedures

Conventional implant treatments may involve multiple surgeries, whereas Teeth in a Day typically requires only one surgical appointment.

The Teeth in a Day Procedure

The process of getting Teeth in a Day involves careful planning and execution to ensure optimal results.

3D imaging and planning

Advanced imaging techniques are used to precisely plan implant placement and design the prosthetic teeth before the actual surgery.

Strategic implant positioning

Teeth in a Day often utilises fewer implants than traditional methods, strategically placed to support an entire arch of teeth.

Advantages of Teeth in a Day

This innovative approach offers several benefits over traditional implant procedures.

Immediate functionality

Patients can leave the dental surgery with a set of fixed, functional teeth, allowing them to speak and eat comfortably almost immediately.

Psychological boost

The rapid transformation can significantly improve a patient’s self-esteem and quality of life, eliminating the need for removable temporary dentures during the healing process.

Candidacy for Teeth in a Day

While many patients can benefit from this procedure, certain factors determine suitability.

Bone density assessment

Sufficient bone volume and density are crucial for the success of Teeth in a Day. Your dentist will evaluate this using advanced imaging techniques.

Overall oral health

Patients should be in good general and oral health to be considered for this procedure.

Long-term Care for Teeth in a Day

Maintaining your Teeth in a Day restoration is crucial for long-term success.

Regular check-ups

Routine dental visits are essential to monitor the health of your implants and prosthetic teeth.

Proper oral hygiene

Maintaining excellent oral hygiene is crucial to ensure the longevity of your Teeth in a Day restoration and overall oral health.

Teeth in a Day represents a significant advancement in dental implant technology, offering patients a faster, more convenient solution for full-arch tooth replacement. While traditional dental implants remain an excellent option for many, Teeth in a Day provides a compelling alternative for those seeking immediate results and reduced treatment time. As with any dental procedure, it’s essential to consult with a qualified implant dentist to determine if Teeth in a Day is the most suitable option for your individual needs and oral health situation.

Am I a suitable candidate for Teeth in a Day treatment?

Ideal Candidates for Teeth in a Day

Teeth in a Day can be an excellent solution for many individuals, but certain factors determine suitability for this innovative treatment.

Extensive tooth loss

Patients missing most or all of their teeth in one or both arches are typically good candidates for Teeth in a Day.

Failing dentition

Those with severely damaged or decayed teeth that require extraction may also benefit from this full-arch restoration technique.

Oral Health Requirements for Teeth in a Day

Certain oral health conditions must be met to ensure the success of the Teeth in a Day procedure.

Sufficient bone density

Adequate jawbone volume and density are crucial for supporting the dental implants used in Teeth in a Day treatment.

Healthy gum tissue

Patients should have good gum health or be willing to undergo treatment for periodontal disease before the Teeth in a Day procedure.

General Health Considerations for Teeth in a Day Candidates

Overall health plays a significant role in determining suitability for this dental implant treatment.

Well-controlled medical conditions

Patients with chronic health issues such as diabetes should have their condition well-managed to be considered for Teeth in a Day.

Non-smoking status

Non-smokers or those willing to quit smoking are ideal candidates, as smoking can negatively impact healing and long-term implant success.

Lifestyle Factors Affecting Teeth in a Day Suitability

Certain lifestyle choices and habits can influence a patient’s candidacy for Teeth in a Day treatment.

Commitment to oral hygiene

Candidates must be willing to maintain excellent oral hygiene practices to ensure the longevity of their Teeth in a Day restoration.

Regular dental visits

A commitment to attending follow-up appointments and routine check-ups is essential for monitoring the health of the implants and prosthetic teeth.

Age Considerations for Teeth in a Day Treatment

While age itself is not a determining factor, it can influence suitability for the procedure.

Fully developed jawbone

Younger patients must have a fully developed jawbone, typically around age 18, to be considered for Teeth in a Day.

No upper age limit

Older adults can be excellent candidates for Teeth in a Day, provided they meet the health and oral requirements.

Alternatives to Teeth in a Day

For patients who may not be suitable candidates, alternative treatments are available.

Traditional dental implants

Conventional implant procedures with longer healing periods may be more appropriate for some patients.

Bone grafting options

Those lacking sufficient bone density may require bone grafting procedures before becoming eligible for Teeth in a Day or other implant treatments.

Determining your suitability for Teeth in a Day treatment requires a comprehensive evaluation by a qualified implant dentist. They will assess your oral health, overall medical condition, and lifestyle factors to determine if this innovative procedure is right for you. Even if you’re not an ideal candidate initially, there may be preparatory treatments available to help you become eligible for Teeth in a Day in the future. Schedule a consultation with an experienced implant specialist to discuss your specific case and explore the best tooth replacement options for your needs.

How long does the Teeth in a Day procedure actually take?

The Teeth in a Day Timeline

While the name suggests a single-day procedure, the entire Teeth in a Day process involves several stages, each contributing to the overall treatment duration.

Initial consultation

Your journey begins with a comprehensive examination and treatment planning session, typically lasting 1-2 hours.

Preparatory appointments

You may need 1-3 visits for dental imaging, impressions, and any necessary preparatory treatments before the main procedure.

The Surgical Phase of Teeth in a Day

The core of the Teeth in a Day treatment occurs on the day of surgery, which is when the most significant transformation takes place.

Surgical procedure duration

The actual implant placement and fitting of the temporary prosthesis usually takes between 2-4 hours per arch, depending on the complexity of the case.

Recovery room time

Following the procedure, you’ll spend about 30-60 minutes in a recovery area for observation before being discharged.

Same-Day Results with Teeth in a Day

One of the most appealing aspects of Teeth in a Day is the immediate visible outcome.

Immediate smile transformation

You’ll leave the dental practice on the same day with a set of functional, aesthetically pleasing temporary teeth attached to your newly placed implants.

Adjustments and fine-tuning

A brief follow-up appointment may be scheduled within 24-48 hours to ensure proper fit and comfort of your new teeth.

Post-Procedure Healing for Teeth in a Day Patients

While you’ll have new teeth immediately, the biological processes continue after you leave the dental surgery.

Osseointegration period

The implants will fuse with your jawbone over the next 3-6 months, a process called osseointegration.

Periodic check-ups

You’ll have several short follow-up appointments during the healing phase to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments.

Final Restoration Phase of Teeth in a Day

The treatment concludes with the placement of your permanent prosthesis.

Final impression appointment

Once healing is complete, you’ll have an appointment for final impressions, typically lasting about an hour.

Permanent prosthesis fitting

A few weeks after the impressions, you’ll return for the fitting of your permanent teeth, usually taking 1-2 hours.

Total Teeth in a Day Treatment Duration

While the core procedure happens in a day, the entire process spans several months.

Active treatment time

The cumulative time spent in the dental chair for all Teeth in a Day appointments typically totals 8-12 hours.

Overall timeline

From initial consultation to final prosthesis placement, the entire Teeth in a Day journey usually takes 4-6 months.

The Teeth in a Day procedure offers a remarkably quick transformation compared to traditional implant methods. While the surgical phase and immediate teeth placement occur in a single day, it’s important to understand that the complete process involves several stages over a few months. This comprehensive approach ensures the best possible outcome, providing you with a beautiful, functional smile that can last for years to come. Always consult with your implant dentist for a personalised treatment timeline based on your specific case and needs.

Is the Teeth in a Day treatment painful?

Pain Management During Teeth in a Day Procedure

The Teeth in a Day treatment is designed to be as comfortable as possible for patients, with effective pain management strategies in place.

Local anaesthesia

Your dental surgeon will thoroughly numb the treatment area using local anaesthesia, ensuring you don’t feel pain during the implant placement and prosthetic fitting.

Sedation options

For anxious patients or more complex cases, various sedation methods are available, ranging from oral sedatives to intravenous (IV) sedation, helping you relax throughout the procedure.

Comfort Levels During Teeth in a Day Surgery

Most patients report feeling surprisingly comfortable during the Teeth in a Day procedure, thanks to advanced techniques and pain management.

Minimally invasive approach

The Teeth in a Day technique often involves less surgical trauma compared to traditional implant methods, potentially reducing post-operative discomfort.

Experienced surgical team

Skilled implant dentists use precise techniques to minimise tissue damage and enhance patient comfort during the procedure.

Post-Procedure Sensations with Teeth in a Day

While the surgical phase is typically pain-free, patients may experience some sensations in the hours and days following the procedure.

Mild discomfort

Some patients report feeling mild soreness or tenderness in the treated area, which is usually manageable with over-the-counter pain relievers.

Temporary swelling

Slight swelling is common and typically peaks within 48-72 hours after the procedure, gradually subsiding over the following days.

Pain Management After Teeth in a Day Treatment

Your dental team will provide a comprehensive pain management plan to ensure your comfort during the recovery period.

Prescribed medications

You may be given prescription pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs to manage any post-operative discomfort effectively.

Cold compress application

Applying cold compresses to the outside of your cheek near the treated area can help reduce swelling and alleviate discomfort.

Recovery Timeline for Teeth in a Day Patients

Understanding the typical recovery timeline can help set realistic expectations for post-procedure comfort levels.

Initial recovery phase

Most patients find that any discomfort is most noticeable in the first 3-5 days following the procedure, gradually improving thereafter.

Return to normal activities

Many individuals feel comfortable returning to work and normal daily activities within a week of their Teeth in a Day treatment.

Long-Term Comfort with Teeth in a Day

Once the initial healing period is complete, patients typically experience excellent long-term comfort with their new teeth.

Natural feel

As you adjust to your Teeth in a Day restoration, it should feel increasingly natural and comfortable, much like your original teeth.

Improved oral function

Many patients report enhanced comfort while eating and speaking compared to their pre-treatment condition or experience with removable dentures.

Individual Variations in Teeth in a Day Experience

It’s important to note that pain perception and recovery experiences can vary from person to person.

Pain threshold differences

Individual pain tolerance levels can influence how patients perceive discomfort during and after the Teeth in a Day procedure.

Health factors

Overall health, age, and adherence to post-operative instructions can all affect the recovery process and comfort levels.

While the Teeth in a Day procedure involves dental surgery, it is designed to be a comfortable experience with minimal pain. Most patients are pleasantly surprised by how manageable the process is, both during and after the treatment. Your dental team will work closely with you to ensure your comfort throughout the entire Teeth in a Day journey. If you have specific concerns about pain or discomfort, don’t hesitate to discuss them with your implant dentist, who can provide personalised advice and reassurance based on your individual case.

How should I care for my new Teeth in a Day immediately after the procedure?

Immediate Post-Procedure Care for Teeth in a Day

After your Teeth in a Day procedure, proper care is crucial for successful healing and long-term implant stability. Follow these guidelines to ensure optimal results:

Soft diet for osseointegration

Stick to a soft food diet for the first few weeks. This allows for proper osseointegration, the process where your new implants fuse with the jawbone. Avoid hard, crunchy, or chewy foods that could put excessive pressure on your new teeth.

Oral hygiene routine

Maintain meticulous oral hygiene to prevent infection and promote healing. Gently brush your new teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush and use an antimicrobial mouthwash as recommended by your dentist.

Pain Management for Teeth in a Day Patients

Some discomfort is normal after the procedure, but there are several ways to manage it effectively:

Over-the-counter analgesics

Take over-the-counter pain relief medications as advised by your dentist. Paracetamol or ibuprofen can help alleviate any post-procedure discomfort.

Cold compress application

Apply a cold compress to the outside of your cheek near the treated area. This can help reduce swelling and numb the area, providing relief from pain and inflammation.

Avoiding Complications with Your New Teeth

To ensure the success of your Teeth in a Day procedure, it’s important to avoid certain activities:

No smoking or alcohol

Refrain from smoking and consuming alcohol for at least the first week after the procedure. These habits can impair healing and increase the risk of complications.

Limited physical activity

Avoid strenuous physical activities for the first few days following your Teeth in a Day treatment. Rest and relaxation will aid in the healing process and reduce the risk of bleeding or implant displacement.

Follow-up Care for Teeth in a Day

Proper follow-up care is essential for the long-term success of your new teeth:

Scheduled check-ups

Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your dentist. These visits allow your dentist to monitor healing, make any necessary adjustments, and ensure your new teeth are functioning correctly.

Report unusual symptoms

Contact your dentist immediately if you experience severe pain, excessive bleeding, or any other unusual symptoms. Prompt attention to potential issues can prevent more serious complications.

By following these care instructions, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying your new Teeth in a Day. Remember that every patient’s healing process is unique, so don’t hesitate to reach out to your dental team with any questions or concerns. With proper care and attention, your new smile will be healthy, functional, and beautiful for years to come.

Can I eat normally with my Teeth in a Day, and are there any dietary restrictions?

Initial Dietary Guidelines for Teeth in a Day

After your Teeth in a Day procedure, it’s essential to follow specific dietary guidelines to ensure proper healing and long-term success of your dental implants. While you can eat soon after the procedure, there are some important restrictions to keep in mind:

Soft food diet

For the first few weeks following your Teeth in a Day treatment, stick to a soft food diet. This allows for proper osseointegration, the process where your implants fuse with the jawbone. Opt for foods that require minimal chewing and won’t put excessive pressure on your new teeth.

Liquid nutrition

In the immediate days after the procedure, consider incorporating liquid nutrition into your diet. Smoothies, soups, and protein shakes can provide essential nutrients without straining your new dental work.

Progressing Your Diet with Teeth in a Day

As you heal, you can gradually introduce more variety into your diet. Your dentist will guide you through this process:

Transitioning to firmer foods

After the initial healing period, typically around 6-8 weeks, you can start introducing slightly firmer foods. This might include well-cooked vegetables, tender meats, and soft bread. Always follow your dentist’s advice on when to progress your diet.

Full diet restoration

Once your Teeth in a Day implants have fully integrated, usually after 3-6 months, you should be able to enjoy a full, unrestricted diet. This is one of the major benefits of the Teeth in a Day procedure – the ability to eat normally and enjoy your favourite foods again.

Foods to Avoid with New Teeth in a Day

Even as you progress to a normal diet, there are some foods and habits you should avoid to protect your new teeth:

Hard and crunchy items

Steer clear of very hard foods like nuts, hard sweets, and ice. These can potentially damage your new teeth or put undue stress on the implants, especially in the early stages of healing.

Sticky substances

Avoid sticky foods like toffee or chewing gum, particularly in the first few months. These can adhere to your new teeth and potentially dislodge them before they’re fully settled.

Maintaining Oral Hygiene with Teeth in a Day

Proper oral hygiene is crucial when adjusting to your new diet with Teeth in a Day:

Regular cleaning routine

Maintain a thorough oral hygiene routine, brushing at least twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Use interdental brushes or water flossers to clean between your new teeth, as recommended by your dentist.

Post-meal rinse

After eating, rinse your mouth with water or an alcohol-free mouthwash to remove any food particles that might get trapped around your new teeth.

Long-term Dietary Considerations for Teeth in a Day

Once fully healed, your Teeth in a Day should function much like natural teeth, allowing you to enjoy a varied and nutritious diet:

Balanced nutrition

Focus on consuming a well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals. This not only supports your overall health but also contributes to the longevity of your dental implants and surrounding oral tissues.

Moderation in acidic foods

While you can enjoy most foods, be mindful of highly acidic items like citrus fruits or vinegar-based dressings. Excessive consumption can potentially erode the enamel of your natural teeth and affect the appearance of your Teeth in a Day prosthetics.

Your Teeth in a Day procedure offers the exciting prospect of restored dental function and aesthetics. By following these dietary guidelines and your dentist’s specific advice, you’ll be able to protect your investment and enjoy your new smile for years to come. Remember, everyone’s healing process is unique, so always consult with your dental team if you have any concerns about your diet or the care of your new teeth.

How long do Teeth in a Day typically last?

Longevity of Teeth in a Day Implants

Teeth in a Day, also known as same-day dental implants, offer a revolutionary solution for those seeking immediate tooth replacement. The lifespan of these implants can vary depending on several factors, but with proper care and maintenance, they can last for many years.

Average lifespan

Typically, Teeth in a Day implants can last 10 to 15 years or even longer. Some patients have reported their implants lasting 20 years or more with excellent oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups.

Implant durability

The titanium posts used in Teeth in a Day procedures are designed to be long-lasting and integrate well with the jawbone. These posts can potentially last a lifetime if properly cared for and barring any complications.

Factors Affecting Teeth in a Day Longevity

Several factors can influence how long your Teeth in a Day implants will last:

Oral hygiene habits

Maintaining excellent oral hygiene is crucial for the longevity of your implants. Regular brushing, flossing, and use of interdental brushes can prevent peri-implantitis, a condition that can lead to implant failure.

Lifestyle choices

Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and a poor diet can negatively impact the lifespan of your Teeth in a Day. These habits can affect bone density and gum health, potentially compromising the stability of your implants.

Maintenance of Teeth in a Day

Proper maintenance is key to ensuring the longevity of your Teeth in a Day implants:

Regular dental check-ups

Schedule and attend regular dental appointments for professional cleaning and assessment. Your dentist can identify and address any potential issues early, preventing more serious complications.

Prosthetic care

While the implants themselves can last a very long time, the prosthetic teeth attached to them may need replacement or adjustment over time. Your dentist will monitor the condition of your prosthetics during check-ups.

Potential Complications Affecting Teeth in a Day Lifespan

While Teeth in a Day are generally successful, certain complications can arise that may affect their longevity:


This inflammatory condition affects the soft and hard tissues surrounding dental implants. Early detection and treatment are crucial to prevent implant failure and ensure the longevity of your Teeth in a Day.

Mechanical issues

Rarely, mechanical problems such as loose abutments or fractured prosthetic teeth can occur. Prompt attention to these issues can prevent further complications and extend the life of your implants.

Long-term Success of Teeth in a Day

To maximise the lifespan of your Teeth in a Day, consider the following:

Bite force management

Be mindful of excessive bite forces, especially in the early stages after the procedure. Avoid clenching or grinding your teeth, and consider using a night guard if recommended by your dentist.

Balanced nutrition

Maintain a balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D to support bone health. Strong, healthy bones provide a stable foundation for your Teeth in a Day implants, contributing to their longevity.

Teeth in a Day offer a durable and long-lasting solution for tooth replacement. While the exact lifespan can vary, many patients enjoy their new smile for decades with proper care and maintenance. By following your dentist’s advice, maintaining excellent oral hygiene, and attending regular check-ups, you can help ensure that your Teeth in a Day last as long as possible, providing you with a confident smile and improved quality of life for years to come.

What are the advantages of choosing Teeth in a Day over other dental restoration options?

Immediate Functionality with Teeth in a Day

One of the primary advantages of Teeth in a Day is the rapid restoration of dental function and aesthetics. Unlike traditional implant procedures, this innovative technique offers immediate results.

Same-day smile transformation

Patients leave the dental practice with a full set of functional, natural-looking teeth on the same day as their procedure. This eliminates the need for prolonged periods without teeth or with temporary dentures.

Immediate load implants

Teeth in a Day utilises immediate load implants, allowing patients to bite and chew with their new teeth right away, albeit with some initial dietary restrictions.

Time-Efficiency of the Teeth in a Day Procedure

The streamlined nature of Teeth in a Day offers significant time savings compared to traditional dental implant procedures.

Reduced treatment timeline

Traditional implant procedures can take several months to complete, with multiple surgeries and healing periods. Teeth in a Day condenses this process into a single day for most patients.

Fewer dental visits

With Teeth in a Day, patients typically require fewer follow-up appointments, minimising disruption to their daily lives and reducing overall treatment time.

Enhanced Comfort and Convenience

Teeth in a Day offers a more comfortable experience for patients throughout the restoration process.

Minimised surgical interventions

The procedure often requires less invasive surgery compared to traditional implant methods, potentially resulting in reduced discomfort and quicker recovery times.

No removable prosthetics

Unlike temporary dentures used in traditional implant procedures, Teeth in a Day provides fixed, non-removable teeth from day one, enhancing comfort and confidence.

Preservation of Jaw Bone with Teeth in a Day

Teeth in a Day can help maintain jawbone density and facial structure, which is crucial for long-term oral health and aesthetics.

Immediate implant placement

By placing implants immediately after tooth extraction, Teeth in a Day helps prevent the bone loss that typically occurs when teeth are missing for extended periods.

Stimulated bone growth

The immediate loading of implants encourages continued bone stimulation, potentially leading to better long-term implant stability and facial aesthetics.

Psychological and Social Benefits of Teeth in a Day

The rapid transformation offered by Teeth in a Day can have significant positive impacts on a patient’s mental well-being and social interactions.

Instant confidence boost

Patients can smile, speak, and eat with confidence immediately after the procedure, potentially improving their social interactions and overall quality of life.

Reduced dental anxiety

The shorter treatment time and immediate results can help alleviate the anxiety often associated with lengthy dental procedures.

Cost-Effectiveness of Teeth in a Day

While the initial cost of Teeth in a Day may be higher than some alternatives, it can be more cost-effective in the long run.

Consolidated treatment costs

By combining multiple procedures into one, Teeth in a Day can reduce overall treatment costs compared to traditional implant methods that require several stages.

Reduced time off work

The streamlined process means less time away from work for dental appointments, potentially resulting in fewer lost wages for patients.

Versatility of Teeth in a Day Treatment

Teeth in a Day offers a flexible solution that can be adapted to various dental restoration needs.

Full arch replacement

This procedure is particularly beneficial for patients requiring full arch replacement, providing a comprehensive solution in a single treatment.

Customised treatment plans

Teeth in a Day can be tailored to individual patient needs, whether replacing a single tooth or an entire set of teeth.

Teeth in a Day represents a significant advancement in dental implant technology, offering numerous advantages over traditional restoration methods. From immediate functionality and time efficiency to enhanced comfort and long-term oral health benefits, this innovative procedure provides a compelling option for patients seeking rapid, effective dental restoration. While it’s essential to consult with a qualified dental professional to determine the best treatment option for your specific needs, Teeth in a Day offers a combination of benefits that make it an attractive choice for many patients looking to restore their smile and dental function.

How much does the Teeth in a Day treatment typically cost in the UK?

Average Cost Range for Teeth in a Day in the UK

The cost of Teeth in a Day treatment in the UK can vary significantly depending on several factors. However, it’s important to understand the general price range to set realistic expectations.

Full arch replacement

For a full arch replacement using the Teeth in a Day technique, patients can expect to pay between £10,000 and £25,000 per arch. This means a full mouth restoration could cost anywhere from £20,000 to £50,000.

Single tooth replacement

For single tooth replacement using immediate load implants, the cost typically ranges from £2,000 to £4,000, depending on the specific requirements and complexity of the case.

Factors Influencing Teeth in a Day Costs

Several factors can impact the overall cost of your Teeth in a Day treatment:

Number of implants required

The more implants needed, the higher the cost. A full arch typically requires 4-6 implants, while a single tooth replacement needs one implant.

Preparatory procedures

Some patients may require additional treatments such as bone grafting or sinus lifts before the Teeth in a Day procedure, which can increase the overall cost.

Geographical Variations in Teeth in a Day Pricing

The cost of Teeth in a Day can vary depending on where you choose to have the treatment in the UK.

London premium

Dental practices in London and other major cities often charge higher fees for Teeth in a Day due to increased operating costs and higher demand.

Regional variations

Prices may be lower in smaller towns or rural areas, but it’s crucial to ensure the dental practice has experience and expertise in performing Teeth in a Day procedures.

Expertise and Technology Costs for Teeth in a Day

The advanced nature of the Teeth in a Day procedure contributes to its cost:

Specialist skills

Teeth in a Day requires highly skilled implantologists and oral surgeons, whose expertise commands higher fees.

Advanced imaging technology

3D scans and computer-guided implant placement technology used in Teeth in a Day procedures contribute to the overall cost but also enhance the precision and success rate of the treatment.

Comparing Teeth in a Day Costs to Alternative Treatments

While Teeth in a Day may seem expensive, it’s important to consider the costs in context:

Long-term cost-effectiveness

When compared to the cumulative costs of alternative treatments over time, such as dentures or traditional implants with multiple procedures, Teeth in a Day can be a cost-effective solution in the long run.

Quality of life improvements

The immediate results and reduced treatment time of Teeth in a Day can lead to less time off work and faster restoration of normal eating and speaking abilities, which may offset some of the cost considerations.

Financing Options for Teeth in a Day Treatment

Given the significant investment required for Teeth in a Day, many UK dental practices offer financing options to make the treatment more accessible:

Payment plans

Many clinics offer interest-free or low-interest payment plans, allowing patients to spread the cost of Teeth in a Day over several months or years.

Dental loans

Some financial institutions offer specific dental loans that can be used to fund Teeth in a Day treatment, often with competitive interest rates.

NHS Coverage for Teeth in a Day

It’s important to note that Teeth in a Day is typically not available on the NHS:

Private treatment

Teeth in a Day is generally considered a private dental treatment in the UK, meaning patients are responsible for the full cost of the procedure.

NHS alternatives

While the NHS does offer some dental implant treatments in specific cases, these are usually traditional implant procedures rather than the Teeth in a Day technique.

While the cost of Teeth in a Day treatment in the UK can be substantial, many patients find the benefits of immediate results, reduced treatment time, and improved quality of life to be worth the investment. It’s crucial to discuss all costs upfront with your dental provider and explore available financing options. Remember that the cheapest option isn’t always the best – prioritise finding an experienced implantologist with a track record of successful Teeth in a Day procedures to ensure the best possible outcome for your dental health and overall well-being.

Are there any risks or potential complications associated with Teeth in a Day treatment?

Common Risks of Teeth in a Day Procedure

While Teeth in a Day is generally a safe and effective treatment, like any surgical procedure, it carries some risks. Understanding these potential complications can help patients make informed decisions and take appropriate precautions.


There’s a small risk of infection at the implant site. Proper oral hygiene and following post-operative care instructions can significantly reduce this risk.

Implant failure

In rare cases, the implants may not integrate properly with the jawbone, leading to implant failure. This risk is higher in patients with poor bone quality or certain medical conditions.

Surgical Complications in Teeth in a Day Treatment

The surgical aspect of the Teeth in a Day procedure can sometimes lead to specific complications:

Nerve damage

In very rare instances, the nearby nerves may be damaged during implant placement, potentially causing numbness or tingling in the lips, tongue, or chin.

Sinus problems

For upper jaw implants, there’s a slight risk of the implant protruding into the sinus cavity, which may require additional procedures to correct.

Post-Operative Risks of Teeth in a Day

Some risks may manifest in the days and weeks following the Teeth in a Day procedure:


This is an inflammatory condition affecting the soft and hard tissues surrounding dental implants. It can lead to bone loss and implant failure if not treated promptly.

Excessive bleeding

While some bleeding is normal after the procedure, excessive or prolonged bleeding may occur in some cases, particularly in patients with certain medical conditions or those taking blood-thinning medications.

Long-Term Complications of Teeth in a Day

Some potential issues may arise over time after the Teeth in a Day treatment:

Implant wear

Over many years, the prosthetic teeth attached to the implants may wear down or become damaged, requiring replacement or adjustment.

Bone loss

In some cases, patients may experience gradual bone loss around the implants, which can affect their stability and may require additional treatments.

Aesthetic Risks in Teeth in a Day Procedures

While rare, there are some aesthetic considerations to be aware of:

Misalignment issues

In some cases, the final position of the implants may not perfectly match the planned outcome, potentially affecting the appearance of the smile.

Gum recession

Over time, some patients may experience gum recession around the implants, which can affect the appearance of the smile and potentially expose implant components.

Mitigating Risks in Teeth in a Day Treatment

There are several ways to minimise the risks associated with Teeth in a Day:

Proper patient selection

A thorough pre-treatment assessment helps ensure that only suitable candidates undergo the procedure, reducing the risk of complications.

Experienced practitioners

Choosing a highly skilled and experienced implantologist can significantly reduce the risk of surgical complications and improve overall outcomes.

Managing Expectations for Teeth in a Day Patients

Understanding the potential risks and having realistic expectations is crucial for patient satisfaction:

Informed consent

Patients should be fully informed about all potential risks and complications before proceeding with Teeth in a Day treatment.

Follow-up care

Regular check-ups and maintenance appointments are essential to monitor the health of the implants and address any issues promptly.

While the Teeth in a Day procedure does carry some risks, it’s important to note that serious complications are rare, especially when performed by experienced professionals. The benefits of this treatment, including immediate restoration of dental function and aesthetics, often outweigh the potential risks for suitable candidates. However, each patient’s situation is unique, and a thorough consultation with a qualified dental professional is essential to determine if Teeth in a Day is the right choice for you. By understanding the potential risks and following all pre- and post-operative instructions, patients can maximise their chances of a successful outcome and enjoy the benefits of their new smile for years to come.

For more information regarding this treatment

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"I always feel comfortable; the whole team are always very friendly. I experienced the wand recently which I would highly..."

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Corrine Muzyka

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Our patients mean
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"I haven't been blessed with the most perfect teeth in the world. Fillings, caps, bridges and crowns are the only things..."

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Clive Francis

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"I have had some bad experiences in the past with other dentists and practices but it’s hard to find fault with Aesthet..."

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Conor Sammon

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Our patients mean
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"Brilliant practice... Just had the Inman Alignment Procedure and whitening - and they've done a fantastic job. Couldn't..."

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Joel Hicks

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Our patients mean
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"Really pleased with how white my teeth are after coming here. My husband told me to get it sorted as they've been discol..."

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Victoria Wood

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Loving the results of the smile makeover and veneers and would have no doubt about returning for any kind of repeat trea..."

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Antoinette Daley

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Our patients mean
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"Yesterday I was at the dentist having the first part of my implants put in place. The staff were very kind and really lo..."

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Jackie King

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Our patients mean
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"I was worried about having a crown fitted and a couple of fillings but found the whole experience a lot better than I th..."

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Our patients mean
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"I came back to the dentist after a while as they promised to do another crown for me because of the first bad crown I ha..."

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Our patients mean
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"I feel really proud of my front tooth after a number of years neglecting it. It basically had a fractured root and my us..."

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Tina Harris

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"I’ve been coming to Aesthetic Smiles for over 2 years now after an incident that resulted in the roots holding my 20 y..."

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Alistair Stewart

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"I’ve been coming to Aesthetic Smiles for over 7 years now, I travel from derby and I’ve had very comfortable treatme..."

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Our patients mean
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""I came to Aesthetic Smiles as I had an issue with my front teeth after falling off my bike when I was a child and it pu..."

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Our patients mean
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"Unfortunately I had a couple of missing teeth due to poor oral hygiene when I was a younger. Having looked at my options..."

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Gilly F

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Our patients mean
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"Overall a great practice, helpful reception staff, dentist come across knowledgeable and therefore made you feel like yo..."

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May K

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Our patients mean
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"The team at Aesthetic Smiles are really great at putting me at ease and answering all my questions. I’ve had a few pro..."

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Lucy Stevens

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Our patients mean
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"Great service. Very clean and modern clinic with cutting edge equipment. Highly recommend."

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William Adams

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"Good communication and workmanship. I have never felt like I’m being pushed into having treatment I don't need and fee..."

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Phillip Layton

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"It was an excellent treatment I really appreciated thank you very much Aesthetic Smiles."

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Mohammad Ahmed

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Our patients mean
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"Was brilliant best dental experience I've had by far."

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Jason Green

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"The patient centred approach at aesthetic smiles is essential to me and the main reason I chose to go on their books aft..."

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Allan Bowman

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"I have been with this practice since the start and the treatment I have received is better than all the previous dental..."

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Peter Bailey

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Our patients mean
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"Every problem I have had with my teeth has been dealt with speedily and efficiently. The dentist and staff always give f..."

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Paul W

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Our patients mean
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"I can only but commend the level of service and treatment provided. Whether it be to book an appointment, go in for a ch..."

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Our patients mean
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"Thank you to all the fantastic team at aesthetic smiles today, your care of my daughter today was first class right from..."

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Julie Toony-Faulknall

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Our patients mean
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"Thank you so much to everyone for being so good to me 100% recommended brilliant service."

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Lynnie Heal

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Our patients mean
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"A very nice dentist practice. Made very welcome and take all your fears away as soon as you sit in the chair. All the st..."

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Jackie King

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"I’ve been with this dentist since it was opened and always makes you feel very comfortable in the chair pleasant surro..."

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Arlene Ray Love

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"I don't usually leave reviews but I thought I should as my appointment at the dentist couldn't have been better! It was..."

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Our patients mean
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"I have no hesitation in recommending as I've been a patient for a few years now. Some procedures have been lengthy but a..."

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Our patients mean
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"A visit to the dentist is something most of us dread but Aesthetic Smiles do their upmost to make it as pleasant as poss..."

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"I have used this surgery for many years and have always found the staff to be both friendly and extremely efficient, and..."

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Our patients mean
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"Another efficient and effective visit today, I rang for an appointment earlier in the week due to an edge of a filling t..."

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Corrine Muzyka

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Our patients mean
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"I was initially feeling quite stressed and apprehensive before visiting the Aesthetics smiles spa. But once there I foun..."

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Pat Cosgrove

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Our patients mean
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"Greeted by friendly staff when arrived for my appointment. They informed me of the paperwork I needed to complete and an..."

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Our patients mean
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"I always feel relaxed when visiting Aesthetic Smiles. All the staff are friendly and has a calming influence whilst givi..."

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Our patients mean
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"I have been with this dentist for a number of years, they must be the best in the business as I have never had any worri..."

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Arlene Andray

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Our patients mean
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"Having been with this practice since it took over from my long time previous dentist I am happy to report that it is sti..."

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Our patients mean
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"I’d noticed my gums had been receding for some time but didn’t act on it which gave me further problems. The clinic..."

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Lewis P

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Our patients mean
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"The team here are clearly highly organized and know how to care for a customer. I’m always greeted in a dead polite wa..."

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Becca W

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Just had a couple of teeth out at the same time. I was told that it wouldn't hurt and guess what.... it didn't..... I wa..."

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Cee Dee

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Our patients mean
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"Extremely good service. All the staff were friendly and polite, the dentists and dental assistants were really nice. I h..."

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Kaela Roebuck-Wilson

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was very nervous about having my operation but was surprised; I was made to feel very comfortable and treated with res..."

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Derek Goodwin

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have recently had a tooth removed at this dentist and I am very happy with how the surgery went, prior to arriving at..."

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Nick Smith

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I’m a very nervous patient and was referred to Aesthetic Smiles in order to have a double extraction under sedation. I..."

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Darren Merry

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Our patients mean
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"Appointment booked to have wisdom teeth extracted after being referred from my dentist. Service was very polite & profes..."

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Our patients mean
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"I was referred to Aesthetic Smile by my NHS dentist to have a molar root extracted. I was told it could take up to five..."

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Stephen Lake

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Our patients mean
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"Words cannot express how impressed I was with the treatment that I received at aesthetic smiles dental spa yesterday. Th..."

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Our patients mean
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"For the procedure I was late! But I was seen quickly as I was the last appointment I think. They were kind, explained ev..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred by my dentist for a wisdom tooth extraction. I was very nervous. On my 1st appointment I was on my own an..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred by my dentist for what looked like a difficult wisdom tooth extraction. Having had a lifelong fear of the..."

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Our patients mean
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"I am a very nervous patient and have a phobia of the dentist. I was referred to Aesthetic Smiles by my own dentist in or..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Filling in the paperwork took longer than the extraction of an impacted wisdom tooth. I'd been referred to Aesthetic Smi..."

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Martin Ashby

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I just wanted to say thank you for yesterday and your professionalism whilst taking out my wisdom tooth. I was a little..."

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Louise Knapp

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Our patients mean
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"Brilliant, I couldn't manage the stairs because I was 8 weeks post op after having a knee replacement operation, not a p..."

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Averill Neale

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Our patients mean
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"I was referred to aesthetics smiles on fosse road by my dentist to carry out a difficult extraction. I was greeted by a..."

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Our patients mean
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"I have now had 3 wisdom teeth removed at Aesthetic Smiles and can honestly say that the procedures could not have been c..."

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Our patients mean
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"Thank you to all the staff for a speedy, pain free and professional extraction. Both the dentist and two nurses were inc..."

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Our patients mean
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"I was told 12years ago that I would have problems with my wisdom teeth and advised at that point to have them removed. I..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred to this practise for 2 reasons: it was likely to be a difficult tooth for my own dentist to remove and I..."

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Pauline Annis

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Our patients mean
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"I was referred by my regular dentist as I am petrified of dentists and could not go through anything without sedation. T..."

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Our patients mean
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"I was referred by my dentist and the treatment I received to be honest I wish this was my dentist. First class treatment..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Couldn't fault my visit. Punctual, friendly, professional and a pain free wisdom extraction. I was very nervous about ha..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I would recommend Aesthetic Smiles to everybody. I was treated so well from the minute I walked through the door. I had..."

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Margaret Braithwaite

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Referred by own dentist for difficult extraction. Appointment in less than 24 hrs, very professional and competent servi..."

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Our patients mean
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"I went for a tooth extraction. Fully satisfied with the procedure and after-care information and procedures."

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Our patients mean
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"I was first referred by my dentist to Aesthetic Smiles for a difficult extraction (which went well). I was told by my de..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Usually hate the dentist, but had 2 teeth removed in about 15 minutes here and felt nothing. I would recommend this plac..."

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Hannah Birch

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I cannot fault the service at all. Excellent from start to finish. Lost my appointment details, contacted them by email..."

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Our patients mean
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"I am completely phobic of the dentist, but after 4 years of living with 2 broken teeth I had to have something done abou..."

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Our patients mean
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"The best dental practice I've been to in fifty odd years. I was amazed at how friendly and supportive the team were. I h..."

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David R

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Our patients mean
the world to us

""just had a tooth out today, no pain, friendly efficient staff, everything explained very well, even the décor was plea..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have not been to see a dentist for over 5years I am terrified, when I was told I need a tooth removed I was so scared,..."

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June Smith

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was very nervous about having my wisdom tooth out but after receiving outstanding care by all staff I was soon very re..."

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Our patients mean
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"My daughter hates needles, she has ADHD and I've witnessed her having to be held down whilst having injections in the pa..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"QuoteI had not been to a dentist for many years due to a fear of dental treatment. Aesthetic Smiles treated me with kind..."

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Cathy murphy

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Our patients mean
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"Very pleased with the service you provided. Friendly atmosphere and good organization. Put me at ease. My treatment was..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Friendly helpful staff put you at ease straight away. Great clean premises and rooms. Good after treatment advice. I wou..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Treatment was fantastic, I worried for almost 10 weeks about having a wisdom tooth extracted and it was all over in less..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I had been referred to this clinic for a tooth removal. On arriving I was made welcome and being a bit nervous about the..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred by my own dentist to Aesthetic Smiles for a tooth extraction 29/12/14, the reception is very comfortable..."

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Sean Barry

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I visited my dentist who tried to take my tooth out on the Tuesday but only got the top part off, and so I was referred..."

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Sheryl Wood

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Not only do I loathe going to the dentist (who doesn’t) but I suffer with MS, am very nervous of injections, and the p..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have been to your dental surgery a few times now and I am completely satisfied with the treatment I've received. Today..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was put at ease straight away, where everything that was going to happen was explained in detail. After the initial in..."

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Stephen Wood

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"My usual dentist referred me to this practice for a difficult tooth extraction. I was warned about having to cut into th..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was sent to Aesthetic Smiles by my Dentist because I can be nervous. The staff and dentist were superb and made me fee..."

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Jay M

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred by my dentist to receive further treatment. The service and treatment were excellent and I was kept up to..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was referred to aesthetic smile by my dentist for an extraction that required a specialist, from walking into the surg..."

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Imraan Messiah

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"As someone who is anxious about the dentist I was referred to Aesthetic Smiles for extensive work. The whole team are ca..."

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Maz Cave

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Considering I am totally freaked out by having to visit a dentist, at my initial visit I was very apprehensive as to wha..."

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Barbara Moore

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Hi My name is Dawn and I am 43yrs young for very many years I have wanted to rectify my smile and replace my crowns but..."

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Dawn Jacobs

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I have never liked my visits to the dentist's chair in all the years I have attended. All of the staff at Aesthetic Smil..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"As someone who cannot stand going to the dentist, going to Aesthetic Smiles has always been a relief. The staff are alwa..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I had a completely pain free filling today using the new 'Wand' treatment, it was absolutely brilliant and I can honestl..."

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Lesley Orriss

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I am terrified of dentist so sort this dentist out due to sedation for some major work I needed doing!! I have to say ab..."

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Dawn Jacobs

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"After visiting Aesthetic Smiles for a root extraction, I am no longer scared to go to the Dentist. I feel like a new man..."

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Stephen Severn

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I would tell anyone who has a fear of dental treatment to come here as I suffered badly but have had lots of treatment &..."

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Lynda Page

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I'm terrified of having dental work done. I was almost physically ill before walking into the room. These fears were..."

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Matthew Hutton

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I’ve always been a nervous patient right from being a child and it got worse the older I got, I was petrified just get..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"For many years I had a phobia of just going to the dentist for a check-up due to my gag reflex and general fear of them,..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"The journey of finding a dentist I could trust was actually more difficult than the treatment itself. But once I found D..."

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