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Aesthetic Smiles Dental Spa

  • 155 Fosse Road North
  • Leicester
  • LE3 5EZ
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At Aesthetic Smiles, we are passionate about preventative dentistry. We believe that prevention is better than cure, which is why we offer oral health education for patients of all ages, here in the comfort of our practice.

A good oral health care regime involves teamwork, comprising regular visits to the dentist and hygienist with a prudent homecare regime. At Aesthetic Smiles, our oral health educator and hygienist provide oral health education to help you look after your own and your family’s teeth between dentist visits.

Oral health education advice will be tailored to suit individual patients’ needs and will be presented in a way that is easy to understand and age-appropriate. If you have any questions about your home healthcare regime, please do not hesitate to ask us.

Oral health education for adults

Every patient’s needs will be different, however, we commonly provide advice on the following topics:

  • The best type of toothbrush to use and the correct brushing technique
  • Use of floss or interdental brushes to clean between the teeth
  • Use of specialist mouthwashes or other products
  • The importance of regular dentist and hygienist visits
  • Smoking cessation advice
  • Advice on diet and how foods and drinks impact on our oral health
  • Early signs of gum disease and how to prevent it/treat it
  • Special advice for patients with braces or other orthodontic devices
  • Special care of restorations, dentures, implants etc

Oral health education for children and young people

Advice will be presented in an age-appropriate manner that is easy to understand. It is designed to be both educational and fun. Parents should accompany their children to oral health education appointments. Advice may include:

  • The importance of brushing your teeth twice a day
  • How to brush your teeth and for how long
  • Cleaning between your teeth
  • Dietary advice – good and bad foods and drinks for our teeth and gums
  • The importance of regular dentist visits
  • How to help the dentist look after your teeth
  • How to take care of your teeth when you have braces



What is preventive dentistry and why is it important?

Definition of Preventive Dentistry

Preventive dentistry encompasses a range of dental care practices and treatments aimed at maintaining oral health and avoiding dental problems before they occur.

Proactive approach

This branch of dentistry focuses on taking proactive measures to prevent cavities, gum disease, enamel wear, and other oral health issues.

Lifelong oral care

Preventive dentistry is a lifelong commitment that involves both at-home care and professional dental treatments to ensure optimal oral health throughout one’s life.

Key Components of Preventive Dental Care

Preventive dentistry involves several essential practices and procedures that work together to maintain oral health.

Regular dental check-ups

Routine examinations allow dentists to detect and address potential issues early, preventing more serious problems from developing.

Professional cleanings

Regular scale and polish treatments remove plaque and tartar build-up, reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

At-Home Preventive Dental Practices

A significant part of preventive dentistry takes place at home through daily oral hygiene routines.

Proper brushing technique

Using a fluoride toothpaste and brushing twice daily with the correct technique helps remove plaque and protect tooth enamel.

Interdental cleaning

Regular flossing or use of interdental brushes removes food particles and plaque from between teeth, where toothbrushes can’t reach.

Importance of Diet in Preventive Dentistry

What we eat and drink plays a crucial role in maintaining good oral health and preventing dental problems.

Limiting sugar intake

Reducing consumption of sugary foods and drinks helps prevent tooth decay by minimising the production of harmful acids by oral bacteria.

Tooth-friendly nutrients

Consuming foods rich in calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D supports strong teeth and healthy gums, contributing to overall oral health.

Professional Preventive Dental Treatments

Dentists offer various preventive treatments to complement at-home care and provide additional protection against oral health issues.

Fluoride applications

Professional fluoride treatments strengthen tooth enamel, making it more resistant to acid attacks and decay.

Dental sealants

These protective coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of back teeth help prevent cavities in children and adults at high risk of decay.

The Long-Term Benefits of Preventive Dentistry

Investing in preventive dental care offers numerous advantages for both oral and overall health.

Cost-effective care

By preventing dental problems before they occur, preventive dentistry can significantly reduce the need for costly restorative treatments in the future.

Systemic health connections

Good oral health, maintained through preventive dentistry, is linked to better overall health, potentially reducing the risk of conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.

Preventive Dentistry Throughout Life Stages

The practice of preventive dentistry evolves to meet changing oral health needs at different stages of life.

Paediatric preventive care

Early introduction to preventive dentistry helps children develop good oral hygiene habits and sets the foundation for lifelong oral health.

Geriatric considerations

As we age, preventive dentistry adapts to address issues such as dry mouth, root decay, and the oral health impacts of certain medications.

Preventive dentistry is the cornerstone of maintaining a healthy smile and avoiding potentially painful and costly dental problems. By combining diligent at-home care with regular professional check-ups and treatments, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of dental issues and enjoy better oral health throughout their lives. Remember, prevention is always better than cure when it comes to your dental health.

How often should I have a dental check-up and cleaning?

General Recommendations for Dental Check-ups

The frequency of dental check-ups and cleanings can vary depending on individual oral health needs. However, there are general guidelines that serve as a starting point for most people.

Biannual visits

For many individuals, visiting the dentist every six months for a check-up and cleaning is sufficient to maintain good oral health.

Personalised schedule

Your dentist may recommend more frequent visits based on your specific oral health status and risk factors.

Factors Influencing Check-up Frequency in Preventive Dentistry

Several factors can affect how often you should schedule dental appointments for optimal preventive care.

Oral hygiene habits

Those with excellent home care routines may require less frequent professional cleanings compared to individuals with less thorough habits.

Genetic predisposition

Some people are genetically more susceptible to dental issues like gum disease or cavities, necessitating more frequent check-ups.

High-Risk Groups Requiring More Frequent Visits

Certain groups of people may benefit from more regular dental check-ups and cleanings as part of their preventive dental care plan.

Smokers and tobacco users

Tobacco use increases the risk of gum disease and oral cancer, often requiring more frequent dental examinations and cleanings.

Pregnant women

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect oral health, making more frequent dental visits advisable.

The Importance of Regular Cleanings in Preventive Dentistry

Professional dental cleanings play a crucial role in maintaining oral health and preventing dental problems.

Tartar removal

Regular cleanings remove tartar (calculus) build-up that cannot be eliminated through regular brushing and flossing at home.

Early detection

Frequent cleanings allow dental professionals to spot potential issues early, such as the onset of gum disease or tooth decay.

Adjusting Check-up Frequency Based on Oral Health Changes

Your dental check-up schedule should be flexible and adaptable to changes in your oral health status.

Improvement in oral health

If your oral health improves significantly, your dentist may recommend less frequent visits, though typically not less than once a year.

Development of dental issues

The emergence of new dental problems may necessitate more frequent check-ups and cleanings as part of your preventive dental care.

The Role of At-Home Care in Determining Check-up Frequency

Your at-home oral hygiene routine plays a significant role in how often you need professional dental care.

Proper brushing technique

Consistently using the correct brushing technique can help maintain oral health between professional cleanings.

Interdental cleaning

Regular use of dental floss or interdental brushes can reduce the need for more frequent professional cleanings.

Special Considerations for Children’s Dental Check-ups

Children may require a different approach to dental check-up frequency as part of their preventive dental care.

Developmental stages

As children’s teeth develop and change, more frequent check-ups may be necessary to monitor growth and address any issues promptly.

Establishing habits

Regular dental visits from an early age help children become comfortable with dental care and establish good oral health habits.

The frequency of dental check-ups and cleanings should be tailored to your individual needs. While twice-yearly visits are a good baseline for many people, your dentist is best placed to recommend a schedule that suits your specific oral health requirements. Regular preventive dental care, combined with good at-home oral hygiene practices, is key to maintaining a healthy smile and preventing more serious dental issues in the future. Don’t hesitate to discuss your optimal check-up frequency with your dentist at your next appointment.

Are dental X-rays safe, and how frequently should I have them?

Safety of Dental X-rays in Preventive Dentistry

Dental X-rays are generally considered safe when used appropriately as part of preventive dental care. Modern technology has significantly reduced radiation exposure, making the benefits outweigh the minimal risks involved.

Low radiation doses

Today’s dental X-ray machines emit extremely low levels of radiation, often comparable to the amount a person is naturally exposed to in a single day from environmental sources.

Protective measures

Dentists use lead aprons and thyroid collars to shield patients from scattered radiation, further enhancing the safety of the procedure.

Types of Dental X-rays in Preventive Care

Different types of X-rays are used in preventive dentistry, each serving a specific purpose in maintaining oral health.

Bitewing X-rays

These are commonly used to detect decay between teeth and to assess bone levels, playing a crucial role in early cavity detection.

Panoramic X-rays

These provide a broad view of the entire mouth, useful for detecting impacted teeth, bone abnormalities, and other dental issues.

Frequency of Dental X-rays

The frequency of dental X-rays depends on various factors and should be tailored to each patient’s individual needs.

Risk-based approach

Dentists assess each patient’s need for X-rays based on factors such as age, dental history, and risk of decay or other oral health issues.

General guidelines

For adults with good oral health, bitewing X-rays are typically recommended every 24 to 36 months, while a full mouth series might be taken every 3 to 5 years.

Special Considerations in Preventive Dental X-ray Frequency

Certain groups may require more frequent X-rays as part of their preventive dental care plan.

Children and adolescents

Growing mouths may need more frequent X-rays to monitor tooth development and detect early signs of decay.

High-risk patients

Individuals with a history of gum disease, frequent cavities, or other dental issues may benefit from more regular X-rays.

Advancements in Dental X-ray Technology

Modern dental practices often use advanced X-ray technologies that enhance both safety and diagnostic capabilities.

Digital radiography

Digital X-rays require even less radiation than traditional film X-rays while providing high-quality images for accurate diagnoses.

3D imaging

Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) provides detailed 3D images of teeth and surrounding structures, often with lower radiation doses than multiple traditional X-rays.

Balancing Benefits and Risks in Preventive Dentistry

When considering dental X-rays, it’s important to weigh the diagnostic benefits against the minimal risks involved.

Early detection

X-rays can reveal small cavities, bone loss, and other issues not visible during a visual examination, allowing for early intervention.

Cumulative exposure

While dental X-rays are safe, dentists aim to minimise cumulative radiation exposure by taking X-rays only when necessary.

Communicating with Your Dentist About X-rays

Open communication with your dentist is key to understanding and feeling comfortable with the use of X-rays in your preventive dental care.

Discussing concerns

Don’t hesitate to ask your dentist about the necessity and frequency of X-rays in your specific case.

Pregnancy considerations

If you are pregnant or think you might be, inform your dentist so they can take appropriate precautions or postpone non-essential X-rays.

Dental X-rays are a valuable tool in preventive dentistry, allowing dentists to detect and address potential issues before they become more serious problems. While they do involve exposure to low levels of radiation, the benefits of early detection and treatment generally outweigh the minimal risks when X-rays are used judiciously. Your dentist will consider your individual oral health needs and risk factors to determine the appropriate frequency of X-rays for you, always striving to balance thorough preventive care with safety considerations.

What's the proper technique for brushing and flossing my teeth?

Proper Brushing Technique for Preventive Dentistry

Mastering the correct brushing technique is crucial for maintaining optimal oral hygiene and preventing dental issues. To effectively remove plaque and food debris, follow these guidelines:

Choose the right toothbrush

Select a soft-bristled toothbrush with a small head to reach all areas of your mouth comfortably. Manual and electric toothbrushes can both be effective when used properly.

Proper brushing motion

Hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your gums and use gentle, circular motions to clean the outer, inner, and chewing surfaces of your teeth. Avoid aggressive scrubbing, which can damage your enamel and gums.

Flossing: An Essential Part of Preventive Dental Care

Flossing is vital for removing plaque and food particles from areas your toothbrush can’t reach. Incorporate these flossing techniques into your daily oral care routine:

Proper floss length

Use about 18 inches of floss, winding most of it around your middle fingers and leaving a few inches to work with.

Gentle sliding motion

Carefully guide the floss between your teeth using a rubbing motion. Never snap the floss into your gums, as this can cause damage and bleeding.

Timing and Frequency for Effective Preventive Dentistry

Establishing a consistent oral hygiene routine is key to maintaining healthy teeth and gums:

Brush twice daily

Brush your teeth for at least two minutes in the morning and before bed. Pay equal attention to all areas of your mouth, including often-neglected back teeth.

Daily flossing

Floss at least once a day, preferably before bedtime, to remove plaque and food particles that accumulate throughout the day.

Additional Preventive Dental Care Tips

To enhance your oral hygiene routine and promote long-term dental health:

Use fluoride toothpaste

Choose a toothpaste containing fluoride to strengthen your enamel and protect against tooth decay.

Consider interdental brushes

For those with larger gaps between teeth or dental work, interdental brushes can be an effective alternative or supplement to traditional flossing.

Maintaining proper brushing and flossing techniques is essential for preventing dental issues and ensuring a healthy smile. By following these guidelines and visiting your dentist regularly for check-ups and professional cleanings, you can significantly reduce your risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health problems.

How can I prevent tooth decay and gum disease at home?

Establish a Robust Oral Hygiene Routine

The cornerstone of preventive dentistry is maintaining a thorough and consistent oral hygiene regimen at home. This forms the first line of defence against tooth decay and periodontal disease.

Proper brushing technique

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to clean your teeth twice daily. Brush for at least two minutes, employing gentle circular motions at a 45-degree angle to your gumline.

Regular flossing

Incorporate daily flossing into your routine to remove plaque and food particles from between teeth and along the gumline, where your toothbrush can’t reach effectively.

Nutrition for Dental Health

What you eat plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy teeth and gums. A balanced diet can significantly contribute to your preventive dental care efforts.

Limit sugar intake

Reduce consumption of sugary foods and drinks, as they feed harmful bacteria in your mouth, leading to acid production that erodes tooth enamel.

Calcium-rich foods

Incorporate dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified foods into your diet to strengthen tooth enamel and support overall oral health.

Hydration and Saliva Production

Proper hydration is often overlooked in preventive dentistry, but it’s essential for maintaining a healthy oral environment.

Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help wash away food particles and neutralise acids in your mouth.

Stimulate saliva flow

Chew sugar-free gum after meals to increase saliva production, which naturally cleanses your mouth and helps remineralise tooth enamel.

Use of Preventive Dental Products

Incorporating specialised dental care products can enhance your at-home preventive dentistry routine.

Fluoride mouthwash

Use a fluoride mouthwash daily to strengthen tooth enamel and provide additional protection against decay.

Interdental brushes

For those with larger gaps between teeth or dental work, interdental brushes can be an effective supplement to flossing in your preventive dental care regimen.

Lifestyle Choices for Oral Health

Certain lifestyle factors can significantly impact your oral health and should be considered as part of your preventive strategy.

Avoid tobacco use

Smoking and other forms of tobacco use increase your risk of gum disease, tooth discolouration, and oral cancer.

Limit alcohol consumption

Excessive alcohol intake can lead to dry mouth and increase your risk of oral health issues. Moderation is key in preventive dentistry.

Regular Dental Check-ups

While this article focuses on at-home prevention, professional dental care remains crucial for maintaining optimal oral health.

Bi-annual dental visits

Schedule regular check-ups and professional cleanings with your dentist every six months, or as recommended, to catch and address potential issues early.

By implementing these preventive dentistry strategies at home, you can significantly reduce your risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Remember, consistent daily care combined with professional dental support provides the best defence against oral health problems. If you have any concerns or notice changes in your oral health, don’t hesitate to consult your dentist for personalised advice and treatment.

What role does diet play in maintaining good oral health?

The Fundamental Connection Between Diet and Oral Health

Diet plays a crucial role in maintaining good oral health, serving as a cornerstone of preventive dentistry. The foods and beverages we consume directly impact our teeth, gums, and overall oral environment.

Nutrient-rich foods for oral health

A balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants supports healthy teeth and gums. Essential nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus are particularly important for strong teeth and bones.

Impact on saliva production

Certain foods stimulate saliva flow, which helps neutralise acids, remineralise tooth enamel, and wash away food particles, contributing to natural oral cleansing.

Foods That Promote Dental Health

Incorporating specific foods into your diet can significantly enhance your preventive dental care routine and support optimal oral health.

Calcium-rich dairy products

Milk, cheese, and yoghurt provide calcium and phosphates that help remineralise tooth enamel and strengthen teeth.

Crunchy fruits and vegetables

Apples, carrots, and celery act as natural toothbrushes, stimulating saliva production and gently scrubbing teeth surfaces to remove plaque and food debris.

Dietary Habits for Preventive Dentistry

Adopting certain dietary habits can contribute to a comprehensive preventive dentistry strategy and help maintain a healthy oral environment.

Limit sugar consumption

Reduce intake of sugary foods and drinks, as they feed harmful bacteria in the mouth, leading to acid production that erodes tooth enamel and contributes to decay.

Mindful snacking

Choose tooth-friendly snacks and avoid constant grazing throughout the day, which can lead to prolonged acid attacks on your teeth.

Beverages and Their Impact on Oral Health

The drinks we consume can significantly affect our oral health, either positively or negatively.

Water as the ideal beverage

Drinking plenty of water helps wash away food particles, dilute acids, and maintain proper hydration, which is essential for saliva production.

Limit acidic and sugary drinks

Reduce consumption of fizzy drinks, fruit juices, and sports drinks, as their high sugar content and acidity can erode tooth enamel and contribute to decay.

Nutrients Essential for Oral Health

Certain nutrients play a vital role in maintaining healthy teeth and gums, and should be prioritised in your diet for optimal preventive dental care.

Vitamin C for gum health

Foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits and peppers, support collagen production, which is crucial for maintaining healthy gums and preventing periodontal disease.

Vitamin D and calcium synergy

Ensure adequate intake of both vitamin D and calcium, as they work together to strengthen teeth and jawbones. Sources include fatty fish, egg yolks, and fortified foods.

The Role of Probiotics in Oral Health

Emerging research suggests that probiotics may play a beneficial role in maintaining a healthy oral microbiome.

Probiotic-rich foods

Incorporate foods like yoghurt, kefir, and sauerkraut into your diet to potentially support a balanced oral microbiome and combat harmful bacteria.

Timing of Food Consumption

When you eat can be just as important as what you eat when it comes to preventive dentistry and maintaining good oral health.

Allow time between meals

Give your mouth time to neutralise acids and remineralise tooth enamel by spacing out meals and snacks, rather than constantly eating throughout the day.

Rinse after acidic foods

After consuming acidic foods or drinks, rinse your mouth with water to help neutralise acids and protect your tooth enamel.

A balanced diet that supports oral health is a fundamental aspect of preventive dentistry. By making informed choices about what and when you eat and drink, you can significantly contribute to maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Remember, good oral health is an integral part of overall well-being, and your dietary habits play a crucial role in achieving this balance. Always consult with your dentist for personalised advice on how to optimise your diet for the best oral health outcomes.

Are electric toothbrushes more effective than manual ones?

Comparing Electric and Manual Toothbrushes for Preventive Dentistry

The debate between electric and manual toothbrushes has been ongoing in the dental community. Both types can be effective tools for maintaining oral hygiene when used correctly, but electric toothbrushes often offer additional benefits that can enhance your preventive dental care routine.

Plaque removal efficiency

Electric toothbrushes typically remove more plaque than manual ones due to their high-speed oscillating or rotating motions. This can lead to improved oral health outcomes, particularly for individuals with dexterity issues or those who struggle with proper brushing technique.

Consistency in brushing technique

Many electric toothbrushes provide consistent brush strokes, ensuring a thorough clean across all tooth surfaces. This consistency can be particularly beneficial for maintaining good oral hygiene habits over time.

Advantages of Electric Toothbrushes in Preventive Dental Care

Electric toothbrushes offer several features that can enhance your daily oral care routine and contribute to better overall dental health.

Built-in timers

Most electric toothbrushes come with built-in timers that encourage users to brush for the dentist-recommended two minutes. This feature helps ensure adequate cleaning time for each quadrant of the mouth.

Pressure sensors

Many modern electric toothbrushes include pressure sensors that alert users when they’re brushing too hard, helping prevent enamel wear and gum recession.

Manual Toothbrushes: Still a Viable Option

While electric toothbrushes offer numerous benefits, manual toothbrushes remain a reliable tool for maintaining oral health when used correctly.


Manual toothbrushes are generally more affordable and readily available, making them a practical choice for many individuals and families.

Portability and convenience

Manual toothbrushes are easy to carry when travelling and don’t require charging, making them a convenient option for those frequently on the go.

Effectiveness of Electric Toothbrushes in Specific Situations

Electric toothbrushes can be particularly beneficial for certain groups of people or in specific dental health situations.

Orthodontic care

For individuals with braces or other orthodontic appliances, electric toothbrushes can be more effective at cleaning around brackets and wires, reducing the risk of decay and gum inflammation.

Periodontal health

Electric toothbrushes may be more effective at removing plaque along the gumline, potentially reducing the risk of gingivitis and periodontitis.

Choosing the Right Toothbrush for Your Preventive Dentistry Needs

Selecting the most suitable toothbrush depends on various factors, including personal preferences, dental health needs, and lifestyle considerations.

Consult your dentist

Your dentist can provide personalised recommendations based on your specific oral health needs, taking into account factors such as gum sensitivity, enamel wear, and any existing dental conditions.

Consider your brushing habits

If you struggle with maintaining proper brushing technique or duration, an electric toothbrush with built-in features like timers and pressure sensors might be particularly beneficial for your preventive dental care routine.

Proper Technique: The Key to Effective Brushing

Regardless of whether you choose an electric or manual toothbrush, proper brushing technique is crucial for maintaining good oral health.

Brush at a 45-degree angle

Hold the brush at a 45-degree angle to your gums and use gentle, circular motions to clean all tooth surfaces effectively.

Focus on each section

Divide your mouth into quadrants and spend equal time cleaning each section to ensure thorough coverage.

While electric toothbrushes often offer advantages in terms of plaque removal and consistency, both electric and manual toothbrushes can be effective tools for maintaining good oral health. The most important factors are using proper brushing technique, brushing for the recommended two minutes twice daily, and maintaining a comprehensive oral hygiene routine that includes flossing and regular dental check-ups. Ultimately, the best toothbrush for you is the one that you’ll use consistently and correctly as part of your preventive dental care regimen.

How can I address bad breath (halitosis) through preventive care?

Understanding Halitosis and Its Causes

Halitosis, commonly known as bad breath, can be an embarrassing and persistent problem. Understanding its origins is crucial for effective prevention and treatment.

Oral bacteria proliferation

The primary cause of bad breath is the accumulation of odour-producing bacteria in the mouth. These microorganisms thrive on food particles and release volatile sulphur compounds, resulting in unpleasant odours.

Underlying health conditions

In some cases, halitosis may be a symptom of more serious health issues such as gum disease, dry mouth, or systemic conditions. Identifying and addressing these underlying causes is essential for long-term prevention.

Enhancing Oral Hygiene for Preventive Dentistry

A robust oral hygiene routine is the cornerstone of halitosis prevention and overall dental health.

Thorough brushing technique

Brush your teeth at least twice daily for two minutes each time, paying special attention to the gum line and back of the tongue where bacteria often accumulate.

Regular interdental cleaning

Incorporate daily flossing or the use of interdental brushes to remove food particles and plaque from between teeth, areas your toothbrush can’t reach effectively.

Tongue Cleaning: A Crucial Step in Preventive Dental Care

The tongue harbours a significant amount of bacteria that contribute to bad breath. Addressing this often-overlooked area can significantly improve halitosis.

Use a tongue scraper

Gently scrape your tongue from back to front using a dedicated tongue scraper or the back of your toothbrush to remove bacteria and debris.

Incorporate antimicrobial mouthwash

Rinse with an alcohol-free, antimicrobial mouthwash after tongue cleaning to further reduce bacteria and freshen breath.

Dietary Considerations for Fresh Breath

What you eat and drink can significantly impact your breath. Making mindful choices can help prevent halitosis and promote overall oral health.

Hydration for oral health

Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stimulate saliva production, which naturally cleanses the mouth and helps neutralise odour-causing bacteria.

Avoid odour-inducing foods

Limit consumption of foods known to cause bad breath, such as garlic, onions, and certain spices. If consumed, brush and rinse thoroughly afterwards.

Lifestyle Changes for Halitosis Prevention

Certain lifestyle factors can contribute to bad breath. Addressing these can have a significant impact on your oral health and breath freshness.

Quit smoking

Smoking not only causes bad breath directly but also dries out the mouth and increases the risk of gum disease, exacerbating halitosis.

Reduce alcohol and caffeine intake

Both alcohol and caffeine can lead to dry mouth, creating an environment where odour-causing bacteria thrive. Moderate consumption and increase water intake to counteract these effects.

Professional Preventive Dentistry for Halitosis Management

Regular dental check-ups and professional cleanings play a crucial role in preventing and addressing persistent bad breath.

Routine dental examinations

Schedule regular dental check-ups every six months, or as recommended by your dentist, to identify and address potential causes of halitosis early on.

Professional dental cleaning

Regular scale and polish treatments remove tartar build-up and stains that can harbour bacteria, contributing to fresher breath and healthier gums.

Addressing Dry Mouth for Halitosis Prevention

Dry mouth, or xerostomia, can significantly contribute to bad breath by reducing the mouth’s natural cleaning mechanism.

Saliva stimulation techniques

Chew sugar-free gum or suck on sugar-free lozenges to stimulate saliva production and help neutralise odour-causing bacteria.

Artificial saliva products

Consider using over-the-counter artificial saliva products or mouth moisturising gels, particularly if you suffer from chronic dry mouth.

Addressing halitosis through preventive care requires a multi-faceted approach combining thorough oral hygiene, mindful dietary choices, and regular professional dental care. By implementing these strategies and maintaining consistency in your oral health routine, you can significantly improve your breath freshness and overall oral health. If bad breath persists despite these measures, consult your dentist to rule out any underlying dental or medical conditions that may require additional treatment.

What are dental sealants, and are they recommended for adults?

Understanding Dental Sealants in Preventive Dentistry

Dental sealants are thin, protective coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of back teeth (molars and premolars) to help prevent tooth decay. These plastic-based barriers act as a shield against harmful bacteria and food particles that can lead to cavities.

Composition of dental sealants

Typically made from biocompatible resin materials, dental sealants bond directly to the tooth enamel, creating a smooth surface that’s easier to clean and less prone to decay.

Application process

The application of dental sealants is a quick, painless procedure that involves cleaning the tooth, applying an etching solution, and then painting on the sealant material, which is then hardened using a special light.

Dental Sealants for Children: A Cornerstone of Preventive Dental Care

While dental sealants are beneficial for people of all ages, they are most commonly recommended for children and teenagers as a preventive measure.

Optimal timing for application

Dentists often suggest applying sealants as soon as the permanent molars erupt, typically between the ages of 6 and 14, to provide early protection against decay.

Long-term benefits for young patients

By sealing off vulnerable areas of newly erupted teeth, sealants can significantly reduce the risk of cavities during the cavity-prone years of childhood and adolescence.

Dental Sealants for Adults: A Valuable Preventive Dentistry Tool

Contrary to popular belief, dental sealants can be highly beneficial for adults as well, particularly those at higher risk of dental caries.

Adults prone to decay

Individuals with a history of frequent cavities, deep grooves in their teeth, or certain medical conditions may benefit greatly from dental sealants, regardless of age.

Protective measure for healthy teeth

Even adults with good oral health can consider sealants as an extra layer of protection against potential future decay, especially on teeth without existing fillings or decay.

Longevity and Effectiveness of Dental Sealants

The durability of dental sealants can vary, but with proper care, they can provide long-lasting protection as part of a comprehensive preventive dentistry strategy.

Average lifespan of sealants

Dental sealants typically last several years before needing replacement. Your dentist will check their condition during regular check-ups and advise if reapplication is necessary.

Factors affecting sealant longevity

The durability of sealants can be influenced by factors such as oral hygiene habits, diet, and grinding or clenching of teeth. Maintaining good oral care practices can help extend their lifespan.

Limitations and Considerations of Dental Sealants

While dental sealants are an excellent preventive measure, it’s important to understand their limitations and consider them as part of a broader oral health strategy.

Not a substitute for good oral hygiene

Sealants should complement, not replace, regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups. Maintaining a thorough oral care routine remains essential for overall dental health.

Existing decay considerations

Sealants cannot be applied to teeth with existing decay or fillings. Your dentist will assess the suitability of each tooth for sealant application during your examination.

Cost and Insurance Considerations for Dental Sealants

The cost-effectiveness of dental sealants, especially when considering their preventive benefits, makes them an attractive option for many patients.

NHS coverage for children

In the UK, dental sealants are often covered by the NHS for children as part of preventive dental care. Adults may need to consider private treatment options.

Long-term cost savings

While there may be an initial cost for sealants, particularly for adults, they can lead to significant savings over time by reducing the need for more extensive and expensive dental treatments.

Dental sealants are a valuable tool in preventive dentistry, offering an additional layer of protection against tooth decay for both children and adults. While they are most commonly recommended for children, adults can also benefit from this simple yet effective treatment, especially those at higher risk of cavities. As with any dental procedure, it’s best to consult with your dentist to determine if dental sealants are appropriate for your specific oral health needs and to ensure they are part of a comprehensive preventive care plan.

How can I prevent teeth grinding (bruxism) and its effects on my oral health?

Understanding Bruxism and Its Impact on Oral Health

Bruxism, commonly known as teeth grinding, is a condition where individuals unconsciously clench or grind their teeth, often during sleep. This habit can lead to various oral health issues if left unaddressed.

Signs and symptoms

Common indicators of bruxism include worn tooth enamel, increased tooth sensitivity, jaw pain, headaches, and disrupted sleep. Recognising these signs early is crucial for effective preventive dental care.

Long-term consequences

Persistent teeth grinding can result in tooth fractures, loosening of teeth, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. Early intervention is key to preventing these serious complications.

Identifying the Root Causes of Bruxism

Understanding the underlying factors contributing to teeth grinding is essential for developing an effective preventive strategy.

Stress and anxiety

Psychological stress is a leading cause of bruxism. Managing stress through relaxation techniques and lifestyle changes can significantly reduce teeth grinding.

Sleep disorders

Conditions like sleep apnoea can exacerbate bruxism. Addressing these underlying sleep issues may help alleviate teeth grinding symptoms.

Preventive Dentistry Approaches for Bruxism Management

Several preventive measures can be implemented to reduce the frequency and impact of teeth grinding.

Custom-fitted night guards

Wearing a custom-made occlusal splint or night guard can protect your teeth from the damaging effects of grinding during sleep. These devices create a barrier between your upper and lower teeth, reducing wear and tear.

Mandibular advancement devices

For individuals with both sleep apnoea and bruxism, these devices can help reposition the jaw to improve breathing and reduce grinding simultaneously.

Lifestyle Modifications to Reduce Teeth Grinding

Incorporating certain lifestyle changes can play a significant role in managing bruxism and promoting overall oral health.

Stress reduction techniques

Practise relaxation methods such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga to alleviate stress and tension that may contribute to teeth grinding.

Avoid stimulants before bedtime

Reduce consumption of caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine, especially in the evening, as these substances can increase muscle activity and exacerbate bruxism.

Dental Treatments for Bruxism-Related Damage

In cases where teeth grinding has already caused damage, various dental treatments can help restore oral health and function.

Dental crowns

For teeth with significant wear or damage, dental crowns can be used to restore their shape, size, and strength, protecting them from further grinding-related damage.

Orthodontic treatment

In some cases, misaligned teeth may contribute to bruxism. Orthodontic interventions can help correct bite issues and potentially reduce grinding habits.

Professional Preventive Dentistry for Bruxism Management

Regular dental check-ups and professional care are crucial for effectively managing bruxism and preventing its negative impacts on oral health.

Routine dental examinations

Schedule regular dental visits to monitor the progression of bruxism and assess the effectiveness of your current management strategies. Your dentist can identify early signs of tooth wear and recommend appropriate interventions.

Botulinum toxin injections

In severe cases, your dentist may recommend botulinum toxin (Botox) injections to temporarily relax the jaw muscles and reduce grinding. This treatment should be considered only under professional guidance and as part of a comprehensive management plan.

Holistic Approaches to Bruxism Prevention

Incorporating holistic strategies can complement traditional preventive dentistry measures in managing bruxism.

Cognitive behavioural therapy

This therapeutic approach can help address underlying psychological factors contributing to teeth grinding, such as stress and anxiety.

Acupuncture and massage therapy

Some individuals find relief from bruxism symptoms through alternative therapies like acupuncture or massage, which can help relax jaw muscles and reduce tension.

Preventing and managing bruxism requires a multifaceted approach combining professional dental care, lifestyle modifications, and targeted interventions. By implementing these preventive strategies and working closely with your dentist, you can minimise the impact of teeth grinding on your oral health and overall well-being. Remember that each case of bruxism is unique, and what works best for you may require some trial and adjustment. Regular dental check-ups and open communication with your dental professional are essential for developing and maintaining an effective management plan tailored to your specific needs.

For more information regarding this treatment

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Corrine Muzyka

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"I haven't been blessed with the most perfect teeth in the world. Fillings, caps, bridges and crowns are the only things..."

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Clive Francis

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"I have had some bad experiences in the past with other dentists and practices but it’s hard to find fault with Aesthet..."

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Conor Sammon

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"Brilliant practice... Just had the Inman Alignment Procedure and whitening - and they've done a fantastic job. Couldn't..."

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Joel Hicks

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"Really pleased with how white my teeth are after coming here. My husband told me to get it sorted as they've been discol..."

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Victoria Wood

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"Loving the results of the smile makeover and veneers and would have no doubt about returning for any kind of repeat trea..."

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Antoinette Daley

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"Yesterday I was at the dentist having the first part of my implants put in place. The staff were very kind and really lo..."

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Jackie King

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"I was worried about having a crown fitted and a couple of fillings but found the whole experience a lot better than I th..."

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"I came back to the dentist after a while as they promised to do another crown for me because of the first bad crown I ha..."

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"I feel really proud of my front tooth after a number of years neglecting it. It basically had a fractured root and my us..."

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Tina Harris

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"I’ve been coming to Aesthetic Smiles for over 2 years now after an incident that resulted in the roots holding my 20 y..."

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Alistair Stewart

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"I’ve been coming to Aesthetic Smiles for over 7 years now, I travel from derby and I’ve had very comfortable treatme..."

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Our patients mean
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""I came to Aesthetic Smiles as I had an issue with my front teeth after falling off my bike when I was a child and it pu..."

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"Unfortunately I had a couple of missing teeth due to poor oral hygiene when I was a younger. Having looked at my options..."

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Gilly F

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"Overall a great practice, helpful reception staff, dentist come across knowledgeable and therefore made you feel like yo..."

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May K

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"The team at Aesthetic Smiles are really great at putting me at ease and answering all my questions. I’ve had a few pro..."

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Lucy Stevens

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"Great service. Very clean and modern clinic with cutting edge equipment. Highly recommend."

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William Adams

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"Good communication and workmanship. I have never felt like I’m being pushed into having treatment I don't need and fee..."

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Phillip Layton

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"It was an excellent treatment I really appreciated thank you very much Aesthetic Smiles."

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Mohammad Ahmed

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"Was brilliant best dental experience I've had by far."

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Jason Green

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"The patient centred approach at aesthetic smiles is essential to me and the main reason I chose to go on their books aft..."

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Allan Bowman

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"I have been with this practice since the start and the treatment I have received is better than all the previous dental..."

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Peter Bailey

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"Every problem I have had with my teeth has been dealt with speedily and efficiently. The dentist and staff always give f..."

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Paul W

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"I can only but commend the level of service and treatment provided. Whether it be to book an appointment, go in for a ch..."

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"Thank you to all the fantastic team at aesthetic smiles today, your care of my daughter today was first class right from..."

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Julie Toony-Faulknall

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"Thank you so much to everyone for being so good to me 100% recommended brilliant service."

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Lynnie Heal

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"A very nice dentist practice. Made very welcome and take all your fears away as soon as you sit in the chair. All the st..."

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Jackie King

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"I’ve been with this dentist since it was opened and always makes you feel very comfortable in the chair pleasant surro..."

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Arlene Ray Love

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"I don't usually leave reviews but I thought I should as my appointment at the dentist couldn't have been better! It was..."

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"I have no hesitation in recommending as I've been a patient for a few years now. Some procedures have been lengthy but a..."

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"A visit to the dentist is something most of us dread but Aesthetic Smiles do their upmost to make it as pleasant as poss..."

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"I have used this surgery for many years and have always found the staff to be both friendly and extremely efficient, and..."

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"Another efficient and effective visit today, I rang for an appointment earlier in the week due to an edge of a filling t..."

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Corrine Muzyka

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"I was initially feeling quite stressed and apprehensive before visiting the Aesthetics smiles spa. But once there I foun..."

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Pat Cosgrove

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"Greeted by friendly staff when arrived for my appointment. They informed me of the paperwork I needed to complete and an..."

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"I always feel relaxed when visiting Aesthetic Smiles. All the staff are friendly and has a calming influence whilst givi..."

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"I have been with this dentist for a number of years, they must be the best in the business as I have never had any worri..."

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Arlene Andray

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"Having been with this practice since it took over from my long time previous dentist I am happy to report that it is sti..."

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"I’d noticed my gums had been receding for some time but didn’t act on it which gave me further problems. The clinic..."

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Lewis P

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"The team here are clearly highly organized and know how to care for a customer. I’m always greeted in a dead polite wa..."

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Becca W

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"Just had a couple of teeth out at the same time. I was told that it wouldn't hurt and guess what.... it didn't..... I wa..."

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Cee Dee

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"Extremely good service. All the staff were friendly and polite, the dentists and dental assistants were really nice. I h..."

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Kaela Roebuck-Wilson

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"I was very nervous about having my operation but was surprised; I was made to feel very comfortable and treated with res..."

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Derek Goodwin

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"I have recently had a tooth removed at this dentist and I am very happy with how the surgery went, prior to arriving at..."

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Nick Smith

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"I’m a very nervous patient and was referred to Aesthetic Smiles in order to have a double extraction under sedation. I..."

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Darren Merry

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"Appointment booked to have wisdom teeth extracted after being referred from my dentist. Service was very polite & profes..."

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"I was referred to Aesthetic Smile by my NHS dentist to have a molar root extracted. I was told it could take up to five..."

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Stephen Lake

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"Words cannot express how impressed I was with the treatment that I received at aesthetic smiles dental spa yesterday. Th..."

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"For the procedure I was late! But I was seen quickly as I was the last appointment I think. They were kind, explained ev..."

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Our patients mean
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"I was referred by my dentist for a wisdom tooth extraction. I was very nervous. On my 1st appointment I was on my own an..."

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Our patients mean
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"I was referred by my dentist for what looked like a difficult wisdom tooth extraction. Having had a lifelong fear of the..."

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"I am a very nervous patient and have a phobia of the dentist. I was referred to Aesthetic Smiles by my own dentist in or..."

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Our patients mean
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"Filling in the paperwork took longer than the extraction of an impacted wisdom tooth. I'd been referred to Aesthetic Smi..."

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Martin Ashby

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"I just wanted to say thank you for yesterday and your professionalism whilst taking out my wisdom tooth. I was a little..."

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Louise Knapp

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"Brilliant, I couldn't manage the stairs because I was 8 weeks post op after having a knee replacement operation, not a p..."

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Averill Neale

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"I was referred to aesthetics smiles on fosse road by my dentist to carry out a difficult extraction. I was greeted by a..."

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Our patients mean
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"I have now had 3 wisdom teeth removed at Aesthetic Smiles and can honestly say that the procedures could not have been c..."

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Our patients mean
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"Thank you to all the staff for a speedy, pain free and professional extraction. Both the dentist and two nurses were inc..."

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Our patients mean
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"I was told 12years ago that I would have problems with my wisdom teeth and advised at that point to have them removed. I..."

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Our patients mean
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"I was referred to this practise for 2 reasons: it was likely to be a difficult tooth for my own dentist to remove and I..."

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Pauline Annis

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"I was referred by my regular dentist as I am petrified of dentists and could not go through anything without sedation. T..."

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"I was referred by my dentist and the treatment I received to be honest I wish this was my dentist. First class treatment..."

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Our patients mean
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"Couldn't fault my visit. Punctual, friendly, professional and a pain free wisdom extraction. I was very nervous about ha..."

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Our patients mean
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"I would recommend Aesthetic Smiles to everybody. I was treated so well from the minute I walked through the door. I had..."

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Margaret Braithwaite

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"Referred by own dentist for difficult extraction. Appointment in less than 24 hrs, very professional and competent servi..."

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Our patients mean
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"I went for a tooth extraction. Fully satisfied with the procedure and after-care information and procedures."

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Our patients mean
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"I was first referred by my dentist to Aesthetic Smiles for a difficult extraction (which went well). I was told by my de..."

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Our patients mean
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"Usually hate the dentist, but had 2 teeth removed in about 15 minutes here and felt nothing. I would recommend this plac..."

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Hannah Birch

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"I cannot fault the service at all. Excellent from start to finish. Lost my appointment details, contacted them by email..."

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"I am completely phobic of the dentist, but after 4 years of living with 2 broken teeth I had to have something done abou..."

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"The best dental practice I've been to in fifty odd years. I was amazed at how friendly and supportive the team were. I h..."

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David R

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""just had a tooth out today, no pain, friendly efficient staff, everything explained very well, even the décor was plea..."

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Our patients mean
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"I have not been to see a dentist for over 5years I am terrified, when I was told I need a tooth removed I was so scared,..."

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June Smith

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"I was very nervous about having my wisdom tooth out but after receiving outstanding care by all staff I was soon very re..."

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"My daughter hates needles, she has ADHD and I've witnessed her having to be held down whilst having injections in the pa..."

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"QuoteI had not been to a dentist for many years due to a fear of dental treatment. Aesthetic Smiles treated me with kind..."

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Cathy murphy

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"Very pleased with the service you provided. Friendly atmosphere and good organization. Put me at ease. My treatment was..."

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Our patients mean
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"Friendly helpful staff put you at ease straight away. Great clean premises and rooms. Good after treatment advice. I wou..."

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Our patients mean
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"Treatment was fantastic, I worried for almost 10 weeks about having a wisdom tooth extracted and it was all over in less..."

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Our patients mean
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"I had been referred to this clinic for a tooth removal. On arriving I was made welcome and being a bit nervous about the..."

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Our patients mean
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"I was referred by my own dentist to Aesthetic Smiles for a tooth extraction 29/12/14, the reception is very comfortable..."

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Sean Barry

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I visited my dentist who tried to take my tooth out on the Tuesday but only got the top part off, and so I was referred..."

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Sheryl Wood

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"Not only do I loathe going to the dentist (who doesn’t) but I suffer with MS, am very nervous of injections, and the p..."

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Our patients mean
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"I have been to your dental surgery a few times now and I am completely satisfied with the treatment I've received. Today..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I was put at ease straight away, where everything that was going to happen was explained in detail. After the initial in..."

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Stephen Wood

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"My usual dentist referred me to this practice for a difficult tooth extraction. I was warned about having to cut into th..."

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Our patients mean
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"I was sent to Aesthetic Smiles by my Dentist because I can be nervous. The staff and dentist were superb and made me fee..."

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Jay M

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"I was referred by my dentist to receive further treatment. The service and treatment were excellent and I was kept up to..."

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"I was referred to aesthetic smile by my dentist for an extraction that required a specialist, from walking into the surg..."

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Imraan Messiah

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"As someone who is anxious about the dentist I was referred to Aesthetic Smiles for extensive work. The whole team are ca..."

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Maz Cave

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"Considering I am totally freaked out by having to visit a dentist, at my initial visit I was very apprehensive as to wha..."

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Barbara Moore

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"Hi My name is Dawn and I am 43yrs young for very many years I have wanted to rectify my smile and replace my crowns but..."

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Dawn Jacobs

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"I have never liked my visits to the dentist's chair in all the years I have attended. All of the staff at Aesthetic Smil..."

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"As someone who cannot stand going to the dentist, going to Aesthetic Smiles has always been a relief. The staff are alwa..."

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"I had a completely pain free filling today using the new 'Wand' treatment, it was absolutely brilliant and I can honestl..."

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Lesley Orriss

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I am terrified of dentist so sort this dentist out due to sedation for some major work I needed doing!! I have to say ab..."

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Dawn Jacobs

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"After visiting Aesthetic Smiles for a root extraction, I am no longer scared to go to the Dentist. I feel like a new man..."

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Stephen Severn

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I would tell anyone who has a fear of dental treatment to come here as I suffered badly but have had lots of treatment &..."

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Lynda Page

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I'm terrified of having dental work done. I was almost physically ill before walking into the room. These fears were..."

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Matthew Hutton

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"I’ve always been a nervous patient right from being a child and it got worse the older I got, I was petrified just get..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"For many years I had a phobia of just going to the dentist for a check-up due to my gag reflex and general fear of them,..."

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Our patients mean
the world to us

"The journey of finding a dentist I could trust was actually more difficult than the treatment itself. But once I found D..."

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